Hack Ability group blogging
2009 September 14
tags: meta
by Liz Henry

Now that this site is rolling, I’d like to open it up to other bloggers. Would you like to post here about your own DIY assistive tech projects, ideas, needs, or about related news? Email me at lizhenry@gmail.com. Tell me your name, any affiliations or blogs you have, and what kinds of things you’d post about.
Occasional posts, or just a guest post or two, are welcome!
You may be hearing soon from new Hack Ability bloggers: from Mel of [M]etabrain [E]ntry [L]og, from Haddayr, from Evester of The Deal with Disability, from Greg Elin from Life Labs / UCP, from Guy, from Minnie, and from Ricky Buchanan from ATMac (who contributed enormously to the setup and first concepts of this blog a year ago.)
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I use an ipad and and notability app has made a huge difference in my life.In addition to is 7 notes HD.I’m a C5 quad by the way.